ASIP 6.0 Training

ASIP 6.1 Training

ASIP 6.2:
Print Server







updated: 3/15/99 





Installation & Use

New Print Server Features

AppleShare IP 6.2 Print Server has the following new features: 


New queue setting for placing new jobs on hold
AppleShare IP 6 Print Server now allows you to place a print queue's incoming jobs on hold. This allows the user to release jobs one at a time without putting the queue on hold.

1-Open Print Admin

2- Highlight a Queue from the Print Server Activity window

3- Click on the Edit Queue button

4- In the Edit Queue window, check the Place new jobs on hold box.

To remove new jobs from hold:

1- Pull down the Server menu and select Show Queue Monitor.

2- Click on the print job(s) you wish to release and click on the Release Hold button.

Note: This feature does not apply to print jobs already in the queue prior to turning on this feature.

Secure printing queues for Windows clients
AppleShare IP 6 Print Server allows Windows-based LPD clients access to a secure (non-password) print queue. The Print Server reads the control file that contains the user name to determine access to the queue.


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